How do you see yourself?

How do you see yourself_

Self-esteem is the single most significant key to a persons behavior.

Zig Ziglar said, “It’s impossible to consistently behave in a matter and inconsistent with how we see ourselves. We can do very few things in a positive way if we feel negative about ourselves.” Zig has a very practical, commonsense wisdom that he has shared with people for years. But experts in the field agree with his assessment. Nathaniel Braden, a psychiatrist and expert on the subject of self-esteem says, “no factor is more important in people’s psychological development and motivation than the value judgments they make about themselves. Every aspect of our lives is impacted by the way they see themselves.” If you believe you are worthless, then you won’t add value to yourself. -Laws of Growth

As coaches at The Growth Dojo, we are experts at encouraging our students and being a good finder for what they are doing right. Though this may sound simple but you’d be surprised at how many coaches, teachers, and people, only see what’s wrong or what needs to be fixed in others. This simple coaching method is the root of how we instill self-esteem and confidence in our students.Could you or your child use a shot of self-esteem? Call us today for a complimentary private lesson: 856-629-2005