ABC’s of Greatness: ATTITUDE

ABC's of Greatness: ATTITUDE

“Good, Better, Best, Never Let it Rest, Until Your Good is Better and Your Better is Best!”

Would you like your child to be their best, improve themselves everyday, and have FUN? 

I am sure your answer is yes:) This month at Underground Martial Arts we are helping our students and our community learn the ABC’s of GREATNESS to have a successful back to school. Below is the first “A” in the ABC’s of Greatness which is ATTITUDE! Listen to the video to see how we and you can inspire your child to have a great ATTITUDE:) Also I attached a PDF to have your child write the 3 “A’s” of a Champion to get them to memorize what it takes to achieve GREATNESS this school year!


Coach Mark Moore

ABC’s of Greatness: ATTITUDE